
Mortgage Advice for First Time Home Buyers

Posted by Steve Zienta // June 10, 2015

According to a CNN blog on money issues, millennials aged between 18 and 35 years old make up 30 of the total US population. Since they are well educated, majority have student loans. At an average of more than 21,000 in student loans, most people would prefer not to buy a home. The aftermath of […]

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Hiring the Right Contractor for your Home Improvement Project

Posted by Steve Zienta // March 9, 2015

Hiring the right contractor can be time-consuming but is the success to your home improvement project. By choosing a good contractor and drawing up a proper contract, you can ensure that the work is done well and to your standards, an avoid payment problems. Here's is how to pick/hire a home improvement contractor for your […]

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Real Estate Lead Generation 101

Posted by Steve Zienta // August 12, 2014

What are the best real estate lead generation options today? Where and how can real estate agents, investors and other related industry professionals generate more leads for buying, selling and renting properties? What are some of the little known benefits, and pitfalls of common real estate lead generation channels today? Here are 12 ways for real estate […]

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Technology vs. People Skills: Which Real Estate Strategies Will Win?

Posted by Steve Zienta // August 12, 2014

The real estate industry caters to independent strategies. For every investor, there is another way to go about conducting business. Some may prefer to utilize the convenience of technology while others want to maintain personal relationships. However, for one reason or another, there remains a void between these two independent strategies. Smart investors will figure […]

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Real Estate Investing As A Business

Posted by Steve Zienta // August 12, 2014

“Investment is most intelligent when most business like” – Warren Buffett If investing is better when conducted most business like, does it mean that more real estate investors ought to be investing in a more businesslike fashion? Should every real estate investor be investing as a business? What does that really mean? What does it look […]

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Housing Still The Best Investment Tool Of A Lifetime

Posted by Steve Zienta // August 12, 2014

Many people are still wondering whether or not real estate is one of the best investment strategies for long-term wealth building. Is investing in homes still a smart investment for the average individual? Is a home still the best investment of a lifetime for most Americans? If so, why are some pessimists still questioning the rebound […]

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